Sunday, June 24, 2012


We went on our last trip with our church last week! What an awesome way to say goodbye to a great group of kids! We went to Atlanta Fest at Stone Mountain. My babies went too and had a blast. A few memories from our trip: maxi dresses, waffle house, free college shirts, autographed bubbles, two dollar icee refills, overly cramped vans, braided hair, gas, bernie Mac, and free bread!!!!lol.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Official

We are moved to Louisiana last week! It's been a crazy and emotional last couple of months. Selfishly, Michael and I didn't want to go anywhere. We have been happy at our church and I didn't want to leave my job and my friends. Sometimes God makes things to apparent that you just can't ignore him. So, with the very hard push from him we loaded up our family and possessions and headed to our new home and new state. So far.... I like :) We have been over loaded with support and chocolate chip cookies. We were met last Thursday with a house full of people that made unloading a 26 foot uhaul a breeze. Once again, God has placed us with some amazing people and I can't wait to see what awesome things happen!! Just a few pictures of our lives these past few weeks :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Another Year Older

28 isn't so bad.  Its really no different than being 27.  I didn't really think it would be, but I remember when birthdays were a huge deal.  Like with kids, I can't get past one birthday before I am thinking about another.  I have been thinking about Paxton's for a few weeks and it isn't until July.  My birthday on the other hand is not important anymore.  But I appreciate everyone making it important :o) .  It was a great weekend, and after the prior few weeks we have had... we needed a great weekend. 

There were cupcakes...

And there were babies that love cupcakes! 

And steaks... don't forget the steaks! 

My mom, Anna Claire, and I went and got pedicures Saturday morning.  These are the moments that I absolutely love having a girl.

Anna Claire chose hot pink for her and I went with blue :o) 

The kids played outside all day.

Sunny... Clear Sky... Perfect day in May.

And.... homemade ice cream! 

It was just what we needed. 

Sunday, some of my girls from church got me a cake and a gift card from Charming Charlie!!!  Love them!

Needless to say, they made me happy :)

My dad ended up in the hospital on Monday.  Lovely Memorial Day for him and my mom.  He is okay now, after a couple of stints.  We need him to stick around for a while.  I appreciate all the prayers from family and friends.  We are truly blessed. 

Waiting for him to be transferred to Jackson, we took the kids to Cracker Barrel for "brunch."

And to occupy them more, a trip to the book store. 

I love my daddy... I don't appreciate him making me worry like that. 

Anna Claire is kinda fond of him too.

I apologize for this post being all over the place, but my mind is all over the place. 

Decisions have been made... We took God by the hand and he is leading us in the direction that we are to go.  We are thankful that we have family and friends that support us in every decision that we make. 

Michael told me last week that he has been praying over this particular verse:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

I can't wait to tell you what God is doing in our lives!