And the joys of having kids at Christmas is putting toys together or in Michael's case ...
Blowing toys up! We decided to get Paxton a ball pit this year. That kid loves balls! Michael got him an over the door basketball goal and I wanted to get him the pit.
I apparently thought it came with more balls, but it only came with 20. I will have to buy another bag soon. I don't know why though. They just end up all over the floor :)
We put together everything on Friday night so that Saturday we wouldn't be in such a rush.
We started our Christmas on Thursday night at Michael's aunt and uncle's house. The kids had a blast as you can tell:
Even the big kid :)
Friday night, we ventured out to let Anna Claire pick out Santa some cookies. She was very particular about what cookies he needed this year. She said he needed to have Frosty cookies. Kroger was all out. Michael took her in Wal-Mart and thankfully they had some.
Little brother kept stealing the cookie dough.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Morning
This kitchen was a hand me down and it was the best present she got :) Got to love it! Thanks Jason, Dawn, and Katelyn!
I guess we will have to get Pax a desk next year!
There he goes again stealing food.
I love these two babies with all of my heart!
Michael framed the kids school pictures for me :)
Happy Birthday, Jesus!!!!!
Christmas in Brookhaven
We had a wonderful time celebrating Jesus' birthday! Michael and I are truly blessed and we are thankful for both sets of families.
We are leaving for Gatlinburg to the Winter X-Treme Conference with the youth. Please keep us in your prayers! I am a little anxious about leaving my babies even though its only three nights. I haven't been more than a couple of hours away. I will be TEN this time!
My two aunts and my mama :0)
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!!!